Plant Growth Regulators and Bio-Stimulants

Impool X

Quizalofop Ethyl 10% EC


Product Description:

Impool X is a selective post emergent herbicide for grasses. It is safe on broad leaf crops. It is absorbed through leaves and the weeds are killed in 10-15 days.


Mode of Action:

Selective, post-emergent and systemic herbicide of aryloxyphenoxy-propionate group. It inhibits ACCase enzyme and hence ceases cell division.

Crops Target Pest/Disease Dose per Acre (gm/ml)
Soybean Eragrostispilosa, E. viscosa, Digitaria marginata, D. sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Dinebra arabica, Echinocloa spp., Brachiaria spp 200


  1. Impool X has very good rainfastness.
  2. Excellent translocation activity and gets absorbed by leaves.